The media (television, newspapers, magazines) periodically deride the state of our schools and education. To help us in our presentation of education as a topic it is worth taking time to list some of the things that either we see as being a problem with education or that others see as being a problem. You should collect your own and others responses to this question and compare them to the discussion that follows here and in the bulletin board exchanges.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of today's public education system?
What is education about?
That is, what do we want education to accomplish? What is the purpose of education in the modern, urban, industrial society?
The distinction between schooling and education
- Education is the actual learning of skills, ways of solving problems;
- schooling is what happens to you in the classroom.
By now you should all be aware that the two are not necessarily the same. Most of us learn by doing, by actual participation in a variety of activities related to what it is that we are attempting to learn. You do not learn chemistry by simply reading a text book, you learn by mixing different stuff together and seeing what happens. You can do this on your own and you will learn something about chemistry, but it helps to be guided in this learning by someone who already knows something about the process and can show you how to make a bigger BANG or an uglier smell. We do know that hands on participation in the learning process makes what you learn stay with you. When you must struggle to put ideas, concepts and so on together so that they make sense to you, you retain that set of skills and information far better than if it is just handed to you by someone else. It also helps if the things you are learning are relevant to you and your experiences. This seems to be why On-The-Job-Training works so well, it is necessary for you to retain the job!! Of course it also helps if the job is really something you want to do.
Schooling as a principal agent of socialization
After the family, formal education is the principal way in which the skills, expectations and rules of the society are passed from one generation to the next. It is through the school that you learn some of the things necessary for understanding who and what we are (history, civics). Schools also provide the foundation for the learning of work skills. This is done both directly and indirectly. Directly schooling teaches us discipline and how to manage time. Indirectly it teaches us about authority and expertise.